


The Academic Affairs Unit at the FCM strives to provide students with a genuinely supportive and welcoming environment as well as a positive learning experience that is engaging and conducive to achieving the highest quality standards in teaching and learning. The aim is to meet the strategic objectives outlined by the Kingdom’s Vision 2030 and KAU’s strategic priorities and aspirations.



Our Vision



To put in place a system of academic teaching and learning to build a knowledge society in accordance with the local and global best practices and standards.



Our Mission



To build an effective academic environment that provides academic services to students to meet changing labor market demand through the implementation of accredited academic programs and the requirements of sustainable community development plans.



Goals of Academic Affairs Unit



1. Achieve the goals of the departments, the faculty, and the university through efficient educational processes.

2. Establish a positive and supportive learning environment that addresses learners’ needs.

3. Manage the entire educational process within the faculty to ensure that it runs smoothly and efficiently.

4. Support student learning by providing solutions to overcome academic difficulties and challenges.

5. Provide the necessary information to academic advisors and students to ensure efficiency of course registration.

6. Put in place an online registration process to ensure efficiency of add, drop and withdrawal of courses as well as the choice of majors.

7. Upgrade the efficiency of student services and seek innovative resources to achieve that goal.





Last Update
4/29/2021 10:32:26 AM